March 4, 2011


Things that make me happy:

1) Talking to my friends on fb chat. In America, I consider it to be one of the lowliest forms of human interaction. In Russia, it is a gift from the heavens.

2) Traffic Light. The TV show. I just started watching it over the past week or so and it is so funny! It's Modern Family meets bromance. Someone is making a lot of money with that killer combination and I am so glad.

3) Sunshine. I love the sun! I can't wait until summertime. I used to not really know what my favorite season was, but now I am 100% sure that it is sumsumsumma.

4) Missionary work. The first week I was here in Russia I basically said to my Relief Society President that I would love to be called anywhere but here on my mission. And I just remember sitting there having these terrible thoughts about what a mission in Russia would be like. Last week in church three mission presidents and their wives came to our sacrament meeting and the mission presidents spoke. It was one of the best sacrament meetings ever! During that meeting I just thought to myself how wonderful it would be to have the opportunity to serve a mission in Russia. Funny how a few weeks can totally change your perspective...I am crossing my fingers for a mission call to Eastern Europe.

5) THIS IS THE FUNNIEST THING TO EVER HAPPEN. What! I am dying laughing. I almost didn't want to blog about it so that I could buy turtle calls for everyone I know but I just couldn't help myself. It's SOOOOOOOO HILARIOUS! If you ever click on any link ever, let it be this one. Seriously. Also...reminds me of Scott Christensen. Maybe you've heard of him?

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