I have come to the conclusion that if I had an iphone I would...
take more pictures
blog more
read the news more
talk to my dad more
tweet more (is this possible?)
cook more
work out more
not forget stuff at the grocery store
wake up the first time my alarm goes off
read the Book of Mormon more
So...basically I would be a way better person if I had an iphone. But I don't. So I will just keep on not blogging and not taking pictures of my life, I guess. LOL.
But really, I am finally getting settled into school and my new schedule and stuff and it feels really good. The first couple of weeks of school have been an emotional roller coaster for me because of a combination of fear of the future, a bad attitude, and NOT taking things one day at a time. I am still learning how to do that, but I know for a fact that it will make my life easier if I do. Life by the inch is a cinch, life by the yard is hard!
This past weekend (is it seriously Friday already???) was really fun. On Friday night, CJ and I went and saw the musical In the Heights in Salt Lake and it was so much fun! I saw the show in New York when we went for choir during my senior year and when I heard they would be doing it in Salt Lake I knew we had to go. CJ loved it, too. I am so glad that he appreciates music and theater, even if he doesn't appreciate football! It was really stressful though because we tried to grab what we thought would be a quick dinner before the show and it ended up taking forever so we were literally shoving food in our faces as we were running into the theater minutes before the show started...CLASSY.
I have a love/hate relationship with Saturdays. I have been doing weight watchers and so I wake up really early to go to WW with Chelsea and then I have the rest of the day to either be really productive (LOVE) or be super lazy and eat everything in the house out of sheer boredom. And watch Keeping Up With the Kardashians. Still learning how to make the most of Saturday...will let you know when I discover the secret but as of right now I actually love watching the Kardashians so...sorry I'm not sorry.
After CJ got off work we went to our friend Skyler's birthday party. Skyler has been working on a movie for the church in which he played a Jew during Jesus' time...basically he hadn't cut his hair or shaved in over 6 months. His birthday party doubled as a beard shaving/hair cutting party so that was really fun and there is actually something very soothing about taking a big chunk out of someone else's hair. (Britney, holla at me!)
Basically, my life is really good. I have the best boyfriend in the world (actually not exaggerating) (I'm at work right now and he's bringing me lunch) (seriously though what more could you ask for) and I have plenty of fun with my roommates and friends when I'm not doing boring stuff like schooling and working. And I have been baking and cooking a lot which honestly keeps me sane. And everything I make is damn good.
P.S. I have been craving jamon serrano for days and I don't even really like it that much.
P.P.S. 2 weeks until my birthday!
take more pictures
blog more
read the news more
talk to my dad more
tweet more (is this possible?)
cook more
work out more
not forget stuff at the grocery store
wake up the first time my alarm goes off
read the Book of Mormon more
So...basically I would be a way better person if I had an iphone. But I don't. So I will just keep on not blogging and not taking pictures of my life, I guess. LOL.
But really, I am finally getting settled into school and my new schedule and stuff and it feels really good. The first couple of weeks of school have been an emotional roller coaster for me because of a combination of fear of the future, a bad attitude, and NOT taking things one day at a time. I am still learning how to do that, but I know for a fact that it will make my life easier if I do. Life by the inch is a cinch, life by the yard is hard!
This past weekend (is it seriously Friday already???) was really fun. On Friday night, CJ and I went and saw the musical In the Heights in Salt Lake and it was so much fun! I saw the show in New York when we went for choir during my senior year and when I heard they would be doing it in Salt Lake I knew we had to go. CJ loved it, too. I am so glad that he appreciates music and theater, even if he doesn't appreciate football! It was really stressful though because we tried to grab what we thought would be a quick dinner before the show and it ended up taking forever so we were literally shoving food in our faces as we were running into the theater minutes before the show started...CLASSY.
I have a love/hate relationship with Saturdays. I have been doing weight watchers and so I wake up really early to go to WW with Chelsea and then I have the rest of the day to either be really productive (LOVE) or be super lazy and eat everything in the house out of sheer boredom. And watch Keeping Up With the Kardashians. Still learning how to make the most of Saturday...will let you know when I discover the secret but as of right now I actually love watching the Kardashians so...sorry I'm not sorry.
After CJ got off work we went to our friend Skyler's birthday party. Skyler has been working on a movie for the church in which he played a Jew during Jesus' time...basically he hadn't cut his hair or shaved in over 6 months. His birthday party doubled as a beard shaving/hair cutting party so that was really fun and there is actually something very soothing about taking a big chunk out of someone else's hair. (Britney, holla at me!)
Basically, my life is really good. I have the best boyfriend in the world (actually not exaggerating) (I'm at work right now and he's bringing me lunch) (seriously though what more could you ask for) and I have plenty of fun with my roommates and friends when I'm not doing boring stuff like schooling and working. And I have been baking and cooking a lot which honestly keeps me sane. And everything I make is damn good.
P.S. I have been craving jamon serrano for days and I don't even really like it that much.
P.P.S. 2 weeks until my birthday!
just want you to know that I think you are hilarious and that you're one of my all time favs. miss ya.